
The name might suggest a film that deconstructs the super hero genre that is currently dominating the Hollywood landscape but “Smallman” is actually a feature film, written by Anthony Blackburn that in some respects, deals with the inner workings of the criminal underclass and overclass that unfortunately contribute to the rotting Trinidad & Tobago landscape. The word landscape here does not refer to trees and beautiful beaches or anything of the sort, but rather to societal dysfunction. As any Trinidadian or Tobagonian (who doesn’t wear rose coloured glasses) will tell you,things in this would be Paradise aren’t that great right now – for many reasons. A spiraling crime rate and an arguably aloof and corrupt Government are amongst the challenges being faced by a Nation celebrating its 50th year of Independence in 2012.

With these things in mind, I treated the footage here in the manner you’ll see after the jump. The idea of paradise lost – or a paradise just out of reach, I thought, was important to make this scene work. This is only a test. Hopefully, Kevin, (who is the star of this scene and does an exceptional job IMHO), Anthony and myself will be able to generate interest and enough funding to actually do the entire film in the not too distant future. Special thanks to those who helped out with our humble project.

Check it out.

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